!3dMaze (c) Steven Singer 1992-3 -------------------------------- This file last updated 4th September 1996 This program was written for fun by me to try out some ideas. In this respect it isn't polished. You are placed in a 15 by 15 maze, you can use the keys Z to turn left, X to turn right and ' to go forwards. Your position, and the position of the exit are printed at the top of the screen. Should you wish to alter the size of the maze then edit the two lines near the start of the program that set w% and h%. 10x10 is trivial, 40x20 is hard. It'll need 320k of screen memory to run smoothly. When you get bored hit CTRL-C (C = Cheat), and it'll show you the way out. Copyright Notice And Acknowledgements ------------------------------------- Unless otherwise noted, all the code is copyright Steven Singer. This software is may be freely copied, as long as the following conditions are met: a) All files, including this notice, are distributed unchanged. b) Permission must be sought in advance from the author to distribute any modifications. c) No charge (excluding possibly a minimal copying charge) is made for the software by the distributor. This software is provided 'as is', with no guarantee of its suitability for any purpose. NO WARRANTY IS GIVEN! If you do change the code at all, please let me know, as I refuse to try to support other people's modifications unless I have been told about them, and I will probably be interested. Contact ------- I can be contacted at the following address : [Out of date contact details deleted] E-mail: singer@ox.compsoc.net